If you wish to replace lost or missing teeth, then dentures can really help you to do that. Wearing them you can regain your beautiful and confident smile. Dentures are basically made up of plastics or metal.
You can get complete dentures or partial dentures depending on the number of teeth you are missing. If you need complete replacements, then full dentures are for you. In case you need to replace a few missing teeth then you should go with partial dentures.
Dentures basically act as a substitute for your natural teeth. This means that your aesthetics will not be hampered or changed when you put on the dentures. Your dentist will take the measurements of your mouth and then make the dentures for you so that they fit perfectly.
Why wear dentures?
Dentures will help you to regain your smile and confidence back. Wearing full dentures as a replacement for your full set of teeth will not only help you to eat but will also improve your bite and speaking capabilities. Partial dentures, on the other hand, work in case there are few missing teeth. It is mostly supported by the surrounded natural teeth. In case you do not wear dentures, then the neighboring teeth can grow at a weird angle which might cause different dental problems.
You can wear immediate dentures straight after your teeth have been removed. But in that case, your dentist must have your jaw impressions so that they can make customized dentures for you. This means you will not have to live without your teeth but gums can get shrinked with time. If this happens, then you will need to realign your dentures. Your dentist can also suggest you wait for some time to put on the dentures so that your gums get healed.
On wearing dentures, you might face some problems and irritations initially. Once you are accustomed, things will get easier for you. You will be able to speak properly and there will be no problems while chewing your food. Just make sure that you clean your dentures on a daily basis so that food particles do not get stuck to it. This can cause decay in the gumline and cause problems to your bone structure. So if your teeth are missing, then contact us immediately for a check-up.

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